

daf.core.get_accounts() List[ACCOUNT]

Added in version v2.4.


List of running accounts.

Return type:



class daf.web.SeleniumCLIENT(username: str, password: str, proxy: str)

Added in version v2.5.

Client used to control the Discord web client for things such as logging in, joining guilds, passing “Complete” for guild rules.

This is created in the ACCOUNT object in case web parameter inside ACCOUNT is True.


This is automatically created in ACCOUNT and is also bound to the ACCOUNT instance.

To retrieve it from ACCOUNT, use selenium.

  • username (str) – The Discord username to login with.

  • password (str) – The Discord password to login with.

  • proxy (str) – The proxy url to use when connecting to Chrome.

async initialize() None

Starts the webdriver whenever the framework is started.


True on success or False on error.

Return type:


property token: str

Returns accounts’s token

update_token_file() str

Updates the tokens JSON file.


OSError – There was an error saving/reading the file.


The token.

Return type:


async random_sleep(bottom: int, upper: int)

Sleeps randomly to prevent detection.

async async_execute(method: Callable, *args)

Runs method in executor to force async.

  • method (Callable) – Callable to execute in async thread executor.

  • args – Variadic arguments passed to method.

async random_server_click()

Randomly clicks on the servers panel to avoid CAPTCHA triggering.

Fetches the invite link in case it is valid.


url (str | None) – The url to check or None if error ocurred/invalid link.

async slow_type(form: WebElement, text: str)

Slowly types into a form to prevent detection.

  • form (WebElement) – The form to type text into.

  • text (str) – The text to type in the form.

async slow_clear(form: WebElement)

Slowly deletes the text from an input


form (WebElement) – The form to delete text from.

async await_url_change()

Waits for url to change.


TimeoutError – Waited for too long.

async await_load()

Waits for the Discord spinning logo to disappear, which means that the content has finished loading.


TimeoutError – The page loading timed-out.

async await_captcha()

Waits for CAPTCHA to be completed.


TimeoutError – CAPTCHA was not solved in time.

async login() str

Logins to Discord using the webdriver and saves the account token to JSON file.


Token belonging to provided username.

Return type:


  • TimeoutError – Raised when any of the await_* methods timed-out.

  • RuntimeError – Unable to login due to internal exception.

async hover_click(element: WebElement)

Hovers an element and clicks on it.


element (WebElement) – The element to hover click.

async join_guild(invite: str) None

Joins the guild thru the browser.


invite (str) – The invite link/code of the guild to join.



class daf.client.ACCOUNT(token: str | None = None, is_user: bool | None = False, intents: Intents | None = None, proxy: str | None = None, servers: List[GUILD | USER | AutoGUILD] | None = None, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, removal_buffer_length: int = 50, responders: List[ResponderBase] = None)

Added in version v2.4.

Changed in version v2.5: Added username and password parameters. For logging in automatically

Changed in version v3.0: When servers are added directly through account initialization, they will be removed upon errors and available withing removed_servers property.

Represents an individual Discord account.

Each ACCOUNT instance runs it’s own shilling task.

  • token (str) – The Discord account’s token

  • is_user (Optional[bool] =False) – Declares that the token is a user account token (“self-bot”)

  • intents (Optional[discord.Intents]) –

    Discord Intents (settings of events that the client will subscribe to). Defaults to everything enabled except members, presence and message_content, as those are privileged events, which need to be enabled though Discord’s developer settings for each bot.


    For invite link tracking to work, it is required to set members intents to True. Invites intent is also needed. Enable it by setting invites to True inside the intents parameter of ACCOUNT.

    Intent guilds is also required for AutoGUILD and AutoCHANNEL, however it is automatically forced to True, as it is not a privileged intent.

  • proxy (Optional[str]=None) –

    The proxy to use when connecting to Discord.


    It is RECOMMENDED to use a proxy if you are running MULTIPLE accounts. Running multiple accounts from the same IP address, can result in Discord detecting self-bots.

    Running multiple bot accounts on the other hand is perfectly fine without a proxy.

  • servers (Optional[List[guild.GUILD | guild.USER | guild.AutoGUILD]]=[]) – Predefined list of servers (guilds, users, auto-guilds). If initializing a server fails (eg. server doesn’t exist on Discord), it will be removed and added to daf.client.ACCOUNT.removed_servers property.

  • username (Optional[str]) – The username to login with.

  • password (Optional[str]) – The password to login with.

  • removal_buffer_length (Optional[int]) –

    Added in version 3.0.

    Maximum number of servers to keep in the removed_servers buffer.

  • responders (List[responder.ResponderBase]) –

    Added in version 3.3.

    List of automatic responders. These will automatically respond to certain messages.

  • ModuleNotFoundError – ‘proxy’ parameter was provided but requirements are not installed.

  • ValueError – ‘token’ is not allowed if ‘username’ is provided and vice versa.

property selenium: SeleniumCLIENT

Added in version v2.5.

Returns the, bound to account, Selenium client

property running: bool

Is the account still running?


  • True – The account is logged in and shilling is active.

  • False – The shilling has ended or not begun.

property deleted: bool

Indicates the status of deletion.


  • True – The object is no longer in the framework and should no longer be used.

  • False – Object is in the framework in normal operation.

property servers: List[GUILD | USER | AutoGUILD]

Returns all guild like objects inside the account’s s shilling list. This also includes AutoGUILD

property removed_servers: List[GUILD | USER | AutoGUILD]

Returns a list of servers that were removed from account (last removal_buffer_length servers).

property client: Client

Returns the API wrapper client

property responders

Returns the list of automatic message responders

add_server(server: GUILD | USER | AutoGUILD) Future

Initializes a guild like object and adds it to the internal account shill list.

This is an asynchronous API operation. When returning from this function, the action is not immediately executed.


server (guild.GUILD | guild.USER | guild.AutoGUILD) – The guild like object to add


An awaitable object which can be used to await for execution to finish. To wait for the execution to finish, use await like so: await method_name().

Return type:


remove_server(server: GUILD | USER | AutoGUILD) Future

Removes a guild like object from the shilling list.

This is an asynchronous API operation. When returning from this function, the action is not immediately executed.

Changed in version 3.0: Removal is now asynchronous.


server (guild.GUILD | guild.USER | guild.AutoGUILD) – The guild like object to remove


An awaitable object which can be used to await for execution to finish. To wait for the execution to finish, use await like so: await method_name().

Return type:



ValueErrorserver is not in the shilling list.

get_server(snowflake: int | Guild | User | Object) GUILD | USER | None

Retrieves the server based on the snowflake id or discord API object.


snowflake (Union[int, discord.Guild, discord.User, discord.Object]) – Snowflake ID or Discord API object.


  • Union[guild.GUILD, guild.USER] – The DAF server object.

  • None – The object was not found.

add_responder(resp: ResponderBase) Future

Added in version 3.3.0.

Adds an automatic message responder to the account.

This is an asynchronous API operation. When returning from this function, the action is not immediately executed.


resp (ResponderBase) – Any inherited class of the daf.responder.ResponderBase interface.


An awaitable object which can be used to await for execution to finish. To wait for the execution to finish, use await like so: await account.add_responder().

Return type:


remove_responder(resp: ResponderBase) Future

Added in version 3.3.0.

Removes an automatic message responder from the account.

This is an asynchronous API operation. When returning from this function, the action is not immediately executed.


resp (ResponderBase) – Any inherited class of the daf.responder.ResponderBase interface.


An awaitable object which can be used to await for execution to finish. To wait for the execution to finish, use await like so: await account.remove_responder().

Return type:


update(**kwargs) Future

Updates the object with new parameters and afterwards updates all lower layers (GUILD->MESSAGE->CHANNEL).

This is an asynchronous API operation. When returning from this function, the action is not immediately executed.


After calling this method the entire object is reset.


An awaitable object which can be used to await for execution to finish. To wait for the execution to finish, use await like so: await method_name().

Return type:


async initialize()

Initializes the API wrapper client layer.

generate_log_context() Dict[str, str | int]

Generates a dictionary of the user’s context, which is then used for logging.

Return type:

Dict[str, Union[str, int]]


class daf.remote.RemoteAccessCLIENT(host: str | None = '', port: int | None = 80, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, certificate: str | None = None, private_key: str | None = None, private_key_pwd: str | None = None)

Client used for processing remote requests from a GUI located on a different network.

  • host (Optional[str]) – The host address. Defaults to (Listens on all network interfaces).

  • port (Optional[int]) – The http port. Defaults to 80.

  • username (Optional[str]) – The basic authorization username. Defaults to None.

  • password (Optional[str]) – The basic authorization password. Defaults to None.

  • certificate (Optional[str]) – Path to a certificate file. Used when HTTPS is desired instead of HTTP. (Recommended if username & password)

  • private_key (Optional[str]) – Path to a private key file that belongs to certificate.

  • private_key_pwd (Optional[str]) – The password of private_key if it has any.


ValueError – Private key is required with certificate.