Web browser#


This can only be used if you are running the framework in a desktop environment. You cannot use it eg. on a Ubuntu server.

DAF includes optional functionality that allows automatic guild joins and login with username and password instead of token.

To use the web functionality, users need to install the optional packages with:

pip install discord-advert-framework[web]

The Chrome browser is also required to run the web functionality.


When running the web functionality, the proxy parameter passed to ACCOUNT, will also be used to the browser.

Unfortunetly it is not directly possible for the web driver to accept a proxy with username and password, meaning just the normal “protocol://ip:port” proxy will work. If you plan to run a private proxy, it is recommened that you whitelist your IP instead and pass the proxy paramterer in the “protocol://ip:port” format.

Automatic login#

To login with username (email) and password instead of the token, users need to provide the ACCOUNT object with the username and password parameters.

import daf

accounts = [
        username="[email protected]",


If you run the above snippet, DAF will first open the browser, load the Discord login screen and login, then it will save the token into a file under “daf_web_data” folder and send the token back to the framework. The framework will then run exactly the same as it would if you passed it the token directly.

If you restart DAF, it will not re-login, but will just load the data from the saved storage under “daf_web_data” folder.

Automatic guild discovery and join#

The web layer beside login with username and password, also allows (semi) automatic guild discovery and join.

To use this feature, users need to create an AutoGUILD instance, where they pass the auto_join parameter. auto_join parameter is a GuildDISCOVERY object, which can be configured how it should search for new guilds.


When joining a guild, users may be prompted to complete the CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Check to tell Computers and Humans Apart), which is why this is semi-automatic. In the case of this event, the browser will wait 90 seconds for the user to complete the CAPTCHA, if they don’t it will consider the join to be a failure.

from daf import QuerySortBy, QueryMembers
import daf

accounts = [
        username="[email protected]",
                auto_join=daf.GuildDISCOVERY("NFT art", daf.QuerySortBy.TOP, limit=5),


With the above example, AutoGUILD, will search for guilds that match the prompt parameter and select the ones that match the other parameters. After finding a guild, it will then check if the include_pattern parameter of AutoGUILD matches with the guild name and if it does, it will then obtain the invite link and try to join the guild.

The browser will only try to join as many guilds as defined by the limit parameter of GuildDISCOVERY. Guilds that the user is already joined, also count as a successful join, meaning that if the limit is eg. 5 and the users is joined into 3 of the found guilds, browser will only join 2 new guilds.

Web feature example#

The following shows an example of both previously described features.

This example shows how the user can use username and password to login into Discord and
it also shows how to configure the automatic guild discovery and join feature (auto_join parameter)

from daf import QuerySortBy, QueryMembers
import daf

accounts = [
        username="[email protected]",
                auto_join=daf.GuildDISCOVERY(prompt="NFT arts",
